The BSEE/USCG Engagement Project Management Support, managed by RSDC's Joint Venture Alankok LLC facilitated a coordinated and productive relationship between the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), and the Department of Energy (DOE). The project aimed to promote interagency consistency in regulating Outer Continental Shelf activities, facilities, and units, minimizing duplication of effort and aiding agencies in successfully completing their missions and responsibilities. Support included developing workgroup Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), creating and updating Memorandums of Agreement (MOAs), supporting Principal and workgroup meetings, and developing or updating workgroup action trackers. The project management approach involved tailoring processes to BSEE's needs while incorporating Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) best practices and tools. A simplified one-page project management plan (PMP) format in Excel was used to meet the needs of the technical subject matter expert (SME), Contracting Officer Representative (COR), and project requirements for interagency interactions. To facilitate sharing workgroup documents and updates, an interagency MS SharePoint site was created to communicate and track project tasks, collaborate on mutually agreed work, maintain an interagency meeting calendar, and manage an interagency point of contact list. Diagrams were also created to visually portray the interaction and connectivity between BSEE and partner agencies. The project delivered significant value by enhancing project management practices, improving interagency coordination, and ensuring the successful execution of task orders. The team's professional interagency expertise was highly valued, and their proactive support enabled the client to focus on other priority areas, setting a solid foundation for present and future success.